
 * @typedef
export interface DragScrollOptions {
     * The area to detect scrolling through dragging. scroll container
    container: string | (() => HTMLElement) | HTMLElement | { current?: HTMLElement | null } | { value?: HTMLElement | null };
     * Distance at which to start scrolling from the start or end points
     * @default 0
    threshold?: number;
     * How to get scrollPosition
     * @default [container.scrollLeft, container.scrollTop]
    getScrollPosition?: (param: { container: HTMLElement, direction: number[] }) => number[];
     * Request if there is a need to be scrolled through drag.
     * Only use one of the scroll event or requestScroll options.
     * @default null
    requestScroll?: ((param: OnScroll) => void) | null;
     * How often to re-scroll when the drag stays at the start or end.
     * If 0, it does not occur.
     * @default 0
    throttleTime?: number;
     * Set to true if only scrolling is enabled.
     * Set to false if re-scroll check is required
     * @default false
    useScroll?: boolean;
     * Dragging occurs via native scrolling.
     * If set to true, native scroll events can be registered/unregistered.
     * If you want to add it manually, set the return event unregisteration function to the event registration function.
    checkScrollEvent?: boolean | ((container: HTMLElement, callback: () => void) => () => void)
 * @typedef
export interface CheckScrollOptions extends DragScrollOptions {
    isDrag?: boolean;
    inputEvent?: any;
    prevScrollPos?: number[];
    direction?: number[];
 * @typedef
export interface Rect {
    left: number;
    top: number;
    width: number;
    height: number;
 * @typedef
export interface OnScroll {
    container: HTMLElement;
    direction: number[];
    inputEvent: any;

 * @typedef
export interface OnMove {
    offsetX: number;
    offsetY: number;
    inputEvent: any;

 * @typedef
export interface OnScrollDrag {
    next(inputEvent: any);
 * @typedef
export interface DragScrollEvents {
    scroll: OnScroll;
    move: OnMove;
    scrollDrag: OnScrollDrag;