

new Guides(container, optionsopt)

Name Type Default Description
container HTMLElement guides' container
options? Partial<Guides.GuidesOptions> {} guides' options


trigger<Name extends keyof Events>(eventName, paramopt) → {boolean}

Fires an event to call listeners.
Name Type Default Description
eventName Name | ... Event name
param? TargetParam<any> | ... {} Event parameter

trigger<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName) → {boolean}

Name Type Description
eventName extends TargetParam<Param> ? Name : never

trigger<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName, param) → {boolean}

Name Type Description
eventName Name
param TargetParam<Param>
import EventEmitter from "@scena/event-emitter";

const emitter = new EventEmitter();

emitter.on("a", e => {

emitter.emit("a", {
  a: 1,
If false, stop the event.

setState(state, callbackopt)

Name Type Description
state Partial<GuidesOptions>
callback? () => void

scrollGuides(pos, nextZoomopt)

Scroll the positions of the guidelines opposite the ruler.
Name Type Default Description
pos number
nextZoom? this._guidesZoom

scroll(pos, nextZoomopt)

Scroll the position of the ruler.
Name Type Default Description
pos number
nextZoom? this._zoom


Recalculate the size of the ruler.
Name Type Default Description
nextZoom? this._zoom

once<Name extends keyof Events & string, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName, listeneropt) → {Promise<OnEvent<Param, this>>}

Inherited From:
Add a disposable listener and Use promise to the registered event.
Name Type Description
eventName Name Name of the event to be added
listener? EventListener<Param, this> disposable listener function of the event to be added
import EventEmitter from "@scena/event-emitter";
cosnt emitter = new EventEmitter();

// Add a disposable listener in "a" event
emitter.once("a", () => {

// Use Promise
emitter.once("a").then(e => {
Promise<OnEvent<Param, this>>

on(eventName, listeneropt) → {this}

Inherited From:
Add a listener to the registered event.
Name Type Description
eventName string | object | ... Name of the event to be added
listener? EventListener<Events[any], this> | ... listener function of the event to be added

on<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName, listener) → {this}

Name Type Description
eventName Name
listener EventListener<Param, this>

on(events) → {this}

Name Type Description
events EventHash<Events, this>
import EventEmitter from "@scena/event-emitter";
cosnt emitter = new EventEmitter();

// Add listener in "a" event
emitter.on("a", () => {
// Add listeners
 a: () => {},
 b: () => {},

off(eventNameopt, listeneropt) → {this}

Inherited From:
Remove listeners registered in the event target.
Name Type Description
eventName? string | object | ... Name of the event to be removed
listener? EventListener<Events[any], this> | ... listener function of the event to be removed

off<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName, listener) → {this}

Name Type Description
eventName? Name
listener? EventListener<Param, this>

off(events) → {this}

Name Type Description
events EventHash<Events, this>
import EventEmitter from "@scena/event-emitter";
cosnt emitter = new EventEmitter();

// Remove all listeners.;

// Remove all listeners in "A" event."a");

// Remove "listener" listener in "a" event."a", listener);


Load the current guidelines.
Name Type Description
guides number[]


Get Ruler DOM Element

getGuides() → {number[]}

Get current guidelines.


Get Guides DOM Element


Name Type Description
callback? () => void

emit(eventName, paramopt) → {boolean}

Inherited From:
Fires an event to call listeners.
Name Type Default Description
eventName string | ... Event name
param? TargetParam<any> | ... {} Event parameter

emit<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName) → {boolean}

Name Type Description
eventName extends Param ? Name : never

emit<Name extends keyof Events, Param = Events[Name]>(eventName, param) → {boolean}

Name Type Description
eventName Name
param TargetParam<Param>
import EventEmitter from "@scena/event-emitter";

const emitter = new EventEmitter();

emitter.on("a", e => {

emitter.emit("a", {
  a: 1,
If false, stop the event.


destroy guides

(static) zoomTo(nextZoom, nextGuidesZoomopt)

Set to the next zoom.
Name Type Default Description
nextZoom number next zoom
nextGuidesZoom? nextZoom

Type Definitions


type optional
Default Value: "horizontal"
type?: "horizontal" | "vertical"
ruler's direction
width optional
Default Value: target's offsetWidth
width?: number
ruler's width
height optional
Default Value: target's offsetHeight
height?: number
ruler's height
unit optional
Default Value: 50
unit?: number
main scale unit
1px (Default) zoom: 1, unit: 50 (every 50px)
1cm = 37.7952px zoom: 37.7952 unit: 1 (every 1cm)
1in = 96px = 2.54cm zoom: 9 unit: 1 (every 1in)
zoom optional
Default Value: 1
zoom?: number
1px (Default) zoom: 1, unit: 50 (every 50px)
1cm = 37.7952px zoom: 37.7952 unit: 1 (every 1cm)
1in = 96px = 2.54cm zoom: 9 unit: 1 (every 1in)
direction optional
Default Value: "end"
direction?: "start" | "center" | "end"
line's direction (align)
textAlign optional
Default Value: "start"
textAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right"
text align
font optional
Default Value: "10px sans-serif"
font?: string
font and size
segment optional
Default Value: 10
segment?: number
Number of areas to divide between two main lines
mainLineSize optional
Default Value: "100%"
mainLineSize?: string | number
main line size
longLineSize optional
Default Value: 10
longLineSize?: string | number
long line size
shortLineSize optional
Default Value: 7
shortLineSize?: string | number
short line size
lineOffset optional
Default Value: [0, 0]
lineOffset?: number[]
line's position offset
textOffset optional
Default Value: [0, 0]
textOffset?: number[]
text's position offset
negativeRuler optional
Default Value: true
negativeRuler?: boolean
Whether to display the ruler in the negative direction.
range optional
Default Value: [-Infinity, Infinity]
range?: [number, number]
The range to show the ruler's scales
scrollPos optional
Default Value: undefined
scrollPos?: number
you can set scroll position by prop. If you use the scrollPos prop, you can't use the scroll method.
defaultScrollPos optional
Default Value: 0
defaultScrollPos?: number
you can set scroll position by prop for init. don't use `scrollPos` prop
style optional
style?: IObject<any>
ruler canvas style
backgroundColor optional
Default Value: "#333333"
backgroundColor?: string
ruler's background color
Default Value: "transparent"
rangeBackgroundColor?: string
background color within range in ruler
lineColor optional
Default Value: "#777777"
lineColor?: string
ruler's line color
textColor optional
Default Value: "#ffffff"
textColor?: string
ruler's text color
Default Value: "transparent"
textBackgroundColor?: string
The background color that wraps the text
textFormat optional
Default Value: ownself
textFormat?: (scale: number) => string
text foramt
marks optional
Default Value: []
marks?: number[]
positions to mark
markColor optional
Default Value: "#f55"
markColor?: string
lineWidth optional
Default Value: 1
lineWidth?: number
Ruler's line width
warpSelf optional
warpSelf?: boolean
Whether to warp self
selectedRanges optional
selectedRanges?: number[][]
You can paint the selected area(selectedranges) with the `selectedBackgroundColor` color.
Default Value: "#555555"
selectedBackgroundColor?: string
background color within selected range in ruler with `selectedRanges` area
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: false
selectedRangesText?: boolean
Text is displayed in the selected ranges. If it overlaps existing text, only the selected range text is visible.
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: "0, 0"
selectedRangesTextOffset?: number[]
Position offset of text in selected ranges
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: "#44aaff"
selectedRangesTextColor?: string
Color of text in selected ranges
Default Value: 2
defaultPixelScale?: number
Scale value of canvase when device high density is 1. Less than 2 may cause pixels to blur. If device high density is greater than 1, it is forcibly set to 3.
useResizeObserver?: boolean
Whether to use the resize observer. When the size changes, the resize method is automatically called.
className optional
Default Value: ""
className?: string
guides' class name
rulerStyle optional
Default Value: "width 100%, height: 100%"
rulerStyle?: IObject<any>
ruler's css style
snapThreshold optional
Default Value: 5
snapThreshold?: number
Interval to snap
snaps optional
Default Value: []
snaps?: number[]
Positions to snap
displayDragPos optional
Default Value: false
displayDragPos?: boolean
Whether to show the moving pos when dragging
guidesZoom optional
Since: 0.29.0
Default Value: zoom
guidesZoom?: number
guides zoom(side zoom). If not set, it is the same as `zoom`.
cspNonce optional
cspNonce?: string
csp nonce
dragPosFormat optional
Default Value: self
dragPosFormat?: (value: number) => string | number
Format of drag pos
defaultGuides optional
Default Value: []
defaultGuides?: number[]
default guidelines
defaultGuidesPos optional
Default Value: 0
defaultGuidesPos?: number
default guide pos for init
showGuides optional
Default Value: true
showGuides?: boolean
Whether to show guidelines
lockGuides optional
Default Value: false
lockGuides?: boolean | Array<"add" | "change" | "remove">
Whether to lock add/remove/change functions via drag/click of guides
digit optional
Default Value: 0
digit?: number
pos digit of guidelines
guideStyle optional
Default Value: "{}"
guideStyle?: Record<string, any>
CSS style objects for guide elements
dragGuideStyle optional
Default Value: "{}"
dragGuideStyle?: Record<string, any>
CSS style objects for drag guide element
displayGuidePos optional
Default Value: false
displayGuidePos?: boolean
Whether to show the guide pos text
guidePosFormat optional
Default Value: dragPosFormat
guidePosFormat?: (value: number) => string | number
Format of displayed guide pos
guidePosStyle optional
guidePosStyle?: IObject<any>
CSS style objects for displayed guide pos text element
scrollOptions optional
Default Value: null
scrollOptions?: DragScrollOptions | null
Set the scroll options, time, etc. to automatically scroll by dragging.
guidesOffset optional
Since: 0.22.0
Default Value: 0
guidesOffset?: number
Numerical value of how far away from the guideline position
  • TSInterface


dragStart: OnDragStart
drag: OnDrag
dragEnd: OnDragEnd
clickRuler: OnClickRuler
  • TSInterface


getGuides: () => number[]
scroll: (pos: number) => void
scrollGuides: (pos: number) => void
drawRuler: (options: DrawRulerOptions) => void
loadGuides: (guides: number[]) => void
resize: () => void
getElement: () => HTMLElement
getRulerElement: () => HTMLCanvasElement
  • TSInterface


type optional
Default Value: "horizontal"
type?: "horizontal" | "vertical"
ruler's direction
width optional
Default Value: target's offsetWidth
width?: number
ruler's width
height optional
Default Value: target's offsetHeight
height?: number
ruler's height
unit optional
Default Value: 50
unit?: number
main scale unit
1px (Default) zoom: 1, unit: 50 (every 50px)
1cm = 37.7952px zoom: 37.7952 unit: 1 (every 1cm)
1in = 96px = 2.54cm zoom: 9 unit: 1 (every 1in)
zoom optional
Default Value: 1
zoom?: number
1px (Default) zoom: 1, unit: 50 (every 50px)
1cm = 37.7952px zoom: 37.7952 unit: 1 (every 1cm)
1in = 96px = 2.54cm zoom: 9 unit: 1 (every 1in)
direction optional
Default Value: "end"
direction?: "start" | "center" | "end"
line's direction (align)
textAlign optional
Default Value: "start"
textAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right"
text align
font optional
Default Value: "10px sans-serif"
font?: string
font and size
segment optional
Default Value: 10
segment?: number
Number of areas to divide between two main lines
mainLineSize optional
Default Value: "100%"
mainLineSize?: string | number
main line size
longLineSize optional
Default Value: 10
longLineSize?: string | number
long line size
shortLineSize optional
Default Value: 7
shortLineSize?: string | number
short line size
lineOffset optional
Default Value: [0, 0]
lineOffset?: number[]
line's position offset
textOffset optional
Default Value: [0, 0]
textOffset?: number[]
text's position offset
negativeRuler optional
Default Value: true
negativeRuler?: boolean
Whether to display the ruler in the negative direction.
range optional
Default Value: [-Infinity, Infinity]
range?: [number, number]
The range to show the ruler's scales
scrollPos optional
Default Value: undefined
scrollPos?: number
you can set scroll position by prop. If you use the scrollPos prop, you can't use the scroll method.
defaultScrollPos optional
Default Value: 0
defaultScrollPos?: number
you can set scroll position by prop for init. don't use `scrollPos` prop
style optional
style?: IObject<any>
ruler canvas style
backgroundColor optional
Default Value: "#333333"
backgroundColor?: string
ruler's background color
Default Value: "transparent"
rangeBackgroundColor?: string
background color within range in ruler
lineColor optional
Default Value: "#777777"
lineColor?: string
ruler's line color
textColor optional
Default Value: "#ffffff"
textColor?: string
ruler's text color
Default Value: "transparent"
textBackgroundColor?: string
The background color that wraps the text
textFormat optional
Default Value: ownself
textFormat?: (scale: number) => string
text foramt
marks optional
Default Value: []
marks?: number[]
positions to mark
markColor optional
Default Value: "#f55"
markColor?: string
lineWidth optional
Default Value: 1
lineWidth?: number
Ruler's line width
warpSelf optional
warpSelf?: boolean
Whether to warp self
selectedRanges optional
selectedRanges?: number[][]
You can paint the selected area(selectedranges) with the `selectedBackgroundColor` color.
Default Value: "#555555"
selectedBackgroundColor?: string
background color within selected range in ruler with `selectedRanges` area
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: false
selectedRangesText?: boolean
Text is displayed in the selected ranges. If it overlaps existing text, only the selected range text is visible.
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: "0, 0"
selectedRangesTextOffset?: number[]
Position offset of text in selected ranges
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: "#44aaff"
selectedRangesTextColor?: string
Color of text in selected ranges
Default Value: 2
defaultPixelScale?: number
Scale value of canvase when device high density is 1. Less than 2 may cause pixels to blur. If device high density is greater than 1, it is forcibly set to 3.
useResizeObserver?: boolean
Whether to use the resize observer. When the size changes, the resize method is automatically called.
className optional
Default Value: ""
className?: string
guides' class name
rulerStyle optional
Default Value: "width 100%, height: 100%"
rulerStyle?: IObject<any>
ruler's css style
snapThreshold optional
Default Value: 5
snapThreshold?: number
Interval to snap
snaps optional
Default Value: []
snaps?: number[]
Positions to snap
displayDragPos optional
Default Value: false
displayDragPos?: boolean
Whether to show the moving pos when dragging
guidesZoom optional
Since: 0.29.0
Default Value: zoom
guidesZoom?: number
guides zoom(side zoom). If not set, it is the same as `zoom`.
cspNonce optional
cspNonce?: string
csp nonce
dragPosFormat optional
Default Value: self
dragPosFormat?: (value: number) => string | number
Format of drag pos
defaultGuides optional
Default Value: []
defaultGuides?: number[]
default guidelines
defaultGuidesPos optional
Default Value: 0
defaultGuidesPos?: number
default guide pos for init
showGuides optional
Default Value: true
showGuides?: boolean
Whether to show guidelines
lockGuides optional
Default Value: false
lockGuides?: boolean | Array<"add" | "change" | "remove">
Whether to lock add/remove/change functions via drag/click of guides
digit optional
Default Value: 0
digit?: number
pos digit of guidelines
guideStyle optional
Default Value: "{}"
guideStyle?: Record<string, any>
CSS style objects for guide elements
dragGuideStyle optional
Default Value: "{}"
dragGuideStyle?: Record<string, any>
CSS style objects for drag guide element
displayGuidePos optional
Default Value: false
displayGuidePos?: boolean
Whether to show the guide pos text
guidePosFormat optional
Default Value: dragPosFormat
guidePosFormat?: (value: number) => string | number
Format of displayed guide pos
guidePosStyle optional
guidePosStyle?: IObject<any>
CSS style objects for displayed guide pos text element
scrollOptions optional
Default Value: null
scrollOptions?: DragScrollOptions | null
Set the scroll options, time, etc. to automatically scroll by dragging.
guidesOffset optional
Since: 0.22.0
Default Value: 0
guidesOffset?: number
Numerical value of how far away from the guideline position
  • TSInterface


type optional
Default Value: "horizontal"
type?: "horizontal" | "vertical"
ruler's direction
width optional
Default Value: target's offsetWidth
width?: number
ruler's width
height optional
Default Value: target's offsetHeight
height?: number
ruler's height
unit optional
Default Value: 50
unit?: number
main scale unit
1px (Default) zoom: 1, unit: 50 (every 50px)
1cm = 37.7952px zoom: 37.7952 unit: 1 (every 1cm)
1in = 96px = 2.54cm zoom: 9 unit: 1 (every 1in)
zoom optional
Default Value: 1
zoom?: number
1px (Default) zoom: 1, unit: 50 (every 50px)
1cm = 37.7952px zoom: 37.7952 unit: 1 (every 1cm)
1in = 96px = 2.54cm zoom: 9 unit: 1 (every 1in)
direction optional
Default Value: "end"
direction?: "start" | "center" | "end"
line's direction (align)
textAlign optional
Default Value: "start"
textAlign?: "left" | "center" | "right"
text align
font optional
Default Value: "10px sans-serif"
font?: string
font and size
segment optional
Default Value: 10
segment?: number
Number of areas to divide between two main lines
mainLineSize optional
Default Value: "100%"
mainLineSize?: string | number
main line size
longLineSize optional
Default Value: 10
longLineSize?: string | number
long line size
shortLineSize optional
Default Value: 7
shortLineSize?: string | number
short line size
lineOffset optional
Default Value: [0, 0]
lineOffset?: number[]
line's position offset
textOffset optional
Default Value: [0, 0]
textOffset?: number[]
text's position offset
negativeRuler optional
Default Value: true
negativeRuler?: boolean
Whether to display the ruler in the negative direction.
range optional
Default Value: [-Infinity, Infinity]
range?: [number, number]
The range to show the ruler's scales
scrollPos optional
Default Value: undefined
scrollPos?: number
you can set scroll position by prop. If you use the scrollPos prop, you can't use the scroll method.
defaultScrollPos optional
Default Value: 0
defaultScrollPos?: number
you can set scroll position by prop for init. don't use `scrollPos` prop
style optional
style?: IObject<any>
ruler canvas style
backgroundColor optional
Default Value: "#333333"
backgroundColor?: string
ruler's background color
Default Value: "transparent"
rangeBackgroundColor?: string
background color within range in ruler
lineColor optional
Default Value: "#777777"
lineColor?: string
ruler's line color
textColor optional
Default Value: "#ffffff"
textColor?: string
ruler's text color
Default Value: "transparent"
textBackgroundColor?: string
The background color that wraps the text
textFormat optional
Default Value: ownself
textFormat?: (scale: number) => string
text foramt
marks optional
Default Value: []
marks?: number[]
positions to mark
markColor optional
Default Value: "#f55"
markColor?: string
lineWidth optional
Default Value: 1
lineWidth?: number
Ruler's line width
warpSelf optional
warpSelf?: boolean
Whether to warp self
selectedRanges optional
selectedRanges?: number[][]
You can paint the selected area(selectedranges) with the `selectedBackgroundColor` color.
Default Value: "#555555"
selectedBackgroundColor?: string
background color within selected range in ruler with `selectedRanges` area
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: false
selectedRangesText?: boolean
Text is displayed in the selected ranges. If it overlaps existing text, only the selected range text is visible.
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: "0, 0"
selectedRangesTextOffset?: number[]
Position offset of text in selected ranges
Since: 0.16.0
Default Value: "#44aaff"
selectedRangesTextColor?: string
Color of text in selected ranges
Default Value: 2
defaultPixelScale?: number
Scale value of canvase when device high density is 1. Less than 2 may cause pixels to blur. If device high density is greater than 1, it is forcibly set to 3.
useResizeObserver?: boolean
Whether to use the resize observer. When the size changes, the resize method is automatically called.
className optional
Default Value: ""
className?: string
guides' class name
rulerStyle optional
Default Value: "width 100%, height: 100%"
rulerStyle?: IObject<any>
ruler's css style
snapThreshold optional
Default Value: 5
snapThreshold?: number
Interval to snap
snaps optional
Default Value: []
snaps?: number[]
Positions to snap
displayDragPos optional
Default Value: false
displayDragPos?: boolean
Whether to show the moving pos when dragging
guidesZoom optional
Since: 0.29.0
Default Value: zoom
guidesZoom?: number
guides zoom(side zoom). If not set, it is the same as `zoom`.
cspNonce optional
cspNonce?: string
csp nonce
dragPosFormat optional
Default Value: self
dragPosFormat?: (value: number) => string | number
Format of drag pos
defaultGuides optional
Default Value: []
defaultGuides?: number[]
default guidelines
defaultGuidesPos optional
Default Value: 0
defaultGuidesPos?: number
default guide pos for init
showGuides optional
Default Value: true
showGuides?: boolean
Whether to show guidelines
lockGuides optional
Default Value: false
lockGuides?: boolean | Array<"add" | "change" | "remove">
Whether to lock add/remove/change functions via drag/click of guides
digit optional
Default Value: 0
digit?: number
pos digit of guidelines
guideStyle optional
Default Value: "{}"
guideStyle?: Record<string, any>
CSS style objects for guide elements
dragGuideStyle optional
Default Value: "{}"
dragGuideStyle?: Record<string, any>
CSS style objects for drag guide element
displayGuidePos optional
Default Value: false
displayGuidePos?: boolean
Whether to show the guide pos text
guidePosFormat optional
Default Value: dragPosFormat
guidePosFormat?: (value: number) => string | number
Format of displayed guide pos
guidePosStyle optional
guidePosStyle?: IObject<any>
CSS style objects for displayed guide pos text element
scrollOptions optional
Default Value: null
scrollOptions?: DragScrollOptions | null
Set the scroll options, time, etc. to automatically scroll by dragging.
guidesOffset optional
Since: 0.22.0
Default Value: 0
guidesOffset?: number
Numerical value of how far away from the guideline position
onChangeGuides optional
onChangeGuides?: (e: OnChangeGuides) => any
onRequestScroll optional
onRequestScroll?: (e: OnRequestScroll) => any
onDragStart optional
onDragStart?: (e: OnDragStart) => any
onDrag optional
onDrag?: (e: OnDrag) => any
onDragEnd optional
onDragEnd?: (e: OnDragEnd) => any
onClickRuler optional
onClickRuler?: (e: OnClickRuler) => any
  • TSInterface


guides: number[]
isAdd: boolean
isRemove: boolean
isChange: boolean
index: number
distX: number
distY: number
  • TSInterface


pos: number
  • TSInterface


dragElement: HTMLElement
  • TSInterface


dragElement: HTMLElement
  • TSInterface


dragElement: HTMLElement
  • TSInterface


container: HTMLElement | SVGElement
direction: number[]
  • TSInterface



The `changeGuides` event occurs when the guideline is added / removed / changed.
Type Description
OnChangeGuides Parameters for the changeGuides event


When click the ruler, the click ruler is called.
Type Description
OnClickRuler Parameters for the clickRuler event


When dragging, the drag event is called.
Type Description
OnDrag Parameters for the drag event


When the drag finishes, the dragEnd event is called.
Type Description
OnDragEnd Parameters for the dragEnd event


When the drag starts, the dragStart event is called.
Type Description
OnDragStart Parameters for the dragStart event


If scroll can be triggered through drag, the `requestScroll` event is fired.
Type Description
OnRequestScroll Parameters for the `requestScroll` event