
Moveable. Warpable

Warpable indicates whether the target can be warped(distorted, bented).



Whether or not target can be warped. (default: false)
import Moveable from "moveable";

const moveable = new Moveable(document.body);

moveable.warpable = true;


Set directions to show the control box. (default: ["n", "nw", "ne", "s", "se", "sw", "e", "w"])
import Moveable from "moveable";

const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
    warpable: true,
    renderDirections: ["n", "nw", "ne", "s", "se", "sw", "e", "w"],

moveable.renderDirections = ["nw", "ne", "sw", "se"];

Type Definitions


style: Record<string, string>
You can get the style you can get from the event.
cssText: string
You can get it as a cssText that you can get from that event.
currentTarget: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>
The Moveable instance
moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>
The Moveable instance
target: HTMLElement | SVGElement
The Moveable's target
clientX: number
The horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
clientY: number
The vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
isFirstDrag: number
Whether this is the first drag in the drag event
datas: IObject<any>
Objects that can send information to the following events.
inputEvent: any
The mouse or touch input event that is invoking the moveable event
stopAble: () => void
Stop the currently working able.
stopDrag: () => void
Calling `stopDrag` in a drag-related event ends the drag.
isTrusted: boolean
Whether the event did not occur externally
delta: number[]
The delta of warp matrix
dist: number[]
The dist of warp matrix
matrix: number[]
The calculated warp matrix
transform: string
a target's transform
multiply: (matrix1: number[], matrix2: number[], n?: number) => number[]
Multiply function that can multiply previous matrix by warp matrix
  • TSInterface


currentTarget: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>
The Moveable instance
moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>
The Moveable instance
target: HTMLElement | SVGElement
The Moveable's target
clientX: number
The horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
clientY: number
The vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
isFirstDrag: number
Whether this is the first drag in the drag event
datas: IObject<any>
Objects that can send information to the following events.
inputEvent: any
The mouse or touch input event that is invoking the moveable event
stopAble: () => void
Stop the currently working able.
stopDrag: () => void
Calling `stopDrag` in a drag-related event ends the drag.
isTrusted: boolean
Whether the event did not occur externally
lastEvent: any | undefined
This is the last dragged event. No, if you haven't dragged.
isDrag: boolean
Whether this moved
isDouble: boolean
Whether it is double-click
  • TSInterface


Default Value: transform of target's inline style
setTransform: (transform: string | string[], transformIndex?: number) => void
Set your original transform. `transformIndex` is the sequence of functions used in the event. If you use `setTransform`, you don't need to use `set` function.
Default Value: index with that property in transform or last
setTransformIndex: (transformIndex: number) => void
`transformIndex` is the sequence of functions used in the event.
currentTarget: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>
The Moveable instance
moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>>
The Moveable instance
target: HTMLElement | SVGElement
The Moveable's target
clientX: number
The horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
clientY: number
The vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred.
isFirstDrag: number
Whether this is the first drag in the drag event
datas: IObject<any>
Objects that can send information to the following events.
inputEvent: any
The mouse or touch input event that is invoking the moveable event
stopAble: () => void
Stop the currently working able.
stopDrag: () => void
Calling `stopDrag` in a drag-related event ends the drag.
isTrusted: boolean
Whether the event did not occur externally
set: (matrix: number[]) => any
You can set the start matrix value.
  • TSInterface


renderDirections optional
Default Value: false if rotatable, ["n", "nw", "ne", "s", "se", "sw", "e", "w"] otherwise
renderDirections?: boolean | string[]
Set directions to show the control box.
edge optional
Default Value: false
edge?: boolean | Array<LineDirection>
Whether to scale and resize through edge lines. You can use "n", "w", "s", "e" in LineDirection array.
Since: 0.44.0
Story Example: options--options-control-padding
Default Value: false
displayAroundControls?: boolean
You can expand the area around the control. Either `rotateAroundControls` or `displayAroundControls` can be used. You can set the area through the `controlPadding` value.
warpable optional
Default Value: false
warpable?: boolean
Whether or not target can be warped.
  • TSInterface



When warping, the warp event is called.
Type Description
Moveable.Warpable.OnWarp Parameters for the warp event
import Moveable from "moveable";
let matrix = [
 1, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 1, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 1, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 1,
const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, { warpable: true });
moveable.on("warp", ({ target, transform, delta, multiply }) => {
   // target.style.transform = transform;
   matrix = multiply(matrix, delta);
   target.style.transform = `matrix3d(${matrix.join(",")})`;


When the warp finishes, the warpEnd event is called.
Type Description
Moveable.Warpable.OnWarpEnd Parameters for the warpEnd event
import Moveable from "moveable";

const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, { warpable: true });
moveable.on("warpEnd", ({ target, isDrag }) => {
    console.log(target, isDrag);


When the warp starts, the warpStart event is called.
Type Description
Moveable.Warpable.OnWarpStart Parameters for the warpStart event
import Moveable from "moveable";

const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, { warpable: true });
moveable.on("warpStart", ({ target }) => {