import { makeAble } from "./AbleManager";
import { triggerEvent, fillParams, fillEndParams } from "../utils";
import {
PinchableProps, Able, SnappableState,
OnPinchStart, OnPinch, OnPinchEnd, MoveableManagerInterface, MoveableGroupInterface,
} from "../types";
* @namespace Moveable.Pinchable
* @description Whether or not target can be pinched with draggable, resizable, scalable, rotatable (default: false)
export default makeAble("pinchable", {
props: [
] as const,
events: [
] as const,
dragStart() {
return true;
moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<PinchableProps, SnappableState>,
e: any,
) {
const { datas, targets, angle, originalDatas } = e;
const { pinchable, ables } = moveable.props;
if (!pinchable) {
return false;
const eventName = `onPinch${targets ? "Group" : ""}Start` as "onPinchStart";
const controlEventName = `drag${targets ? "Group" : ""}ControlStart` as "dragControlStart";
const pinchAbles = (pinchable === true ? moveable.controlAbles : ables!.filter(able => {
return pinchable.indexOf( as any) > -1;
})).filter(able => able.canPinch && able[controlEventName]);
const params = fillParams<OnPinchStart>(moveable, e, {}) as any;
if (targets) {
params.targets = targets;
const result = triggerEvent(moveable, eventName, params);
datas.isPinch = result !== false;
datas.ables = pinchAbles;
const isPinch = datas.isPinch;
if (!isPinch) {
return false;
pinchAbles.forEach(able => {
originalDatas[] = originalDatas[] || {};
if (!able[controlEventName]) {
const ableEvent: any = {
datas: originalDatas[],
parentRotate: angle,
isPinch: true,
able[controlEventName]!(moveable, ableEvent);
moveable.state.snapRenderInfo = {
request: e.isRequest,
direction: [0, 0],
return isPinch;
moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<PinchableProps>,
e: any,
) {
const {
datas, scale: pinchScale, distance,
inputEvent, targets,
} = e;
if (!datas.isPinch) {
const parentDistance = distance * (1 - 1 / pinchScale);
const params = fillParams<OnPinch>(moveable, e, {}) as any;
if (targets) {
params.targets = targets;
const eventName = `onPinch${targets ? "Group" : ""}` as "onPinch";
triggerEvent(moveable, eventName, params);
const ables: Able[] = datas.ables;
const controlEventName = `drag${targets ? "Group" : ""}Control` as "dragControl";
ables.forEach(able => {
if (!able[controlEventName]) {
able[controlEventName]!(moveable, {
datas: originalDatas[],
resolveMatrix: true,
pinchScale: pinchScale,
parentRotate: angle,
isPinch: true,
} as any);
return params;
moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<PinchableProps>,
e: any,
) {
const { datas, isPinch, inputEvent, targets, originalDatas } = e;
if (!datas.isPinch) {
const eventName = `onPinch${targets ? "Group" : ""}End` as "onPinchEnd";
const params = fillEndParams<OnPinchEnd>(moveable, e, { isDrag: isPinch }) as any;
if (targets) {
params.targets = targets;
triggerEvent(moveable, eventName, params);
const ables: Able[] = datas.ables;
const controlEventName = `drag${targets ? "Group" : ""}ControlEnd` as "dragControlEnd";
ables.forEach(able => {
if (!able[controlEventName]) {
able[controlEventName]!(moveable, {
isDrag: isPinch,
datas: originalDatas[],
isPinch: true,
} as any);
return isPinch;
pinchGroupStart(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface<any, any>, e: any) {
return this.pinchStart!(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
pinchGroup(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.pinch!(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
pinchGroupEnd(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.pinchEnd!(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
* Whether or not target can be pinched with draggable, resizable, scalable, rotatable (default: false)
* @name Moveable.Pinchable#pinchable
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body);
* moveable.pinchable = true;
* When the pinch starts, the pinchStart event is called with part of scaleStart, rotateStart, resizeStart
* @memberof Moveable.Pinchable
* @event pinchStart
* @param {Moveable.Pinchable.OnPinchStart} - Parameters for the pinchStart event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* rotatable: true,
* scalable: true,
* pinchable: true, // ["rotatable", "scalable"]
* });
* moveable.on("pinchStart", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* moveable.on("rotateStart", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* moveable.on("scaleStart", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* When pinching, the pinch event is called with part of scale, rotate, resize
* @memberof Moveable.Pinchable
* @event pinch
* @param {Moveable.Pinchable.OnPinch} - Parameters for the pinch event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* rotatable: true,
* scalable: true,
* pinchable: true, // ["rotatable", "scalable"]
* });
* moveable.on("pinch", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* moveable.on("rotate", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* moveable.on("scale", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* When the pinch finishes, the pinchEnd event is called.
* @memberof Moveable.Pinchable
* @event pinchEnd
* @param {Moveable.Pinchable.OnPinchEnd} - Parameters for the pinchEnd event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* rotatable: true,
* scalable: true,
* pinchable: true, // ["rotatable", "scalable"]
* });
* moveable.on("pinchEnd", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* moveable.on("rotateEnd", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* moveable.on("scaleEnd", ({ target }) => {
* console.log(target);
* });
* When the group pinch starts, the `pinchGroupStart` event is called.
* @memberof Moveable.Pinchable
* @event pinchGroupStart
* @param {Moveable.Pinchable.OnPinchGroupStart} - Parameters for the `pinchGroupStart` event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* target: []".target")),
* pinchable: true
* });
* moveable.on("pinchGroupStart", ({ targets }) => {
* console.log("onPinchGroupStart", targets);
* });
* When the group pinch, the `pinchGroup` event is called.
* @memberof Moveable.Pinchable
* @event pinchGroup
* @param {Moveable.Pinchable.OnPinchGroup} - Parameters for the `pinchGroup` event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* target: []".target")),
* pinchable: true
* });
* moveable.on("pinchGroup", ({ targets, events }) => {
* console.log("onPinchGroup", targets);
* });
* When the group pinch finishes, the `pinchGroupEnd` event is called.
* @memberof Moveable.Pinchable
* @event pinchGroupEnd
* @param {Moveable.Pinchable.OnPinchGroupEnd} - Parameters for the `pinchGroupEnd` event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* target: []".target")),
* pinchable: true
* });
* moveable.on("pinchGroupEnd", ({ targets, isDrag }) => {
* console.log("onPinchGroupEnd", targets, isDrag);
* });