import {
ScrollableProps, OnScroll, MoveableManagerInterface,
MoveableGroupInterface, MoveableRefType,
} from "../types";
import { triggerEvent, fillParams, getRefTarget } from "../utils";
import DragScroll from "@scena/dragscroll";
function getDefaultScrollPosition(e: { scrollContainer: HTMLElement, direction: number[] }) {
const scrollContainer = e.scrollContainer;
return [
* @namespace Moveable.Scrollable
* @description Whether or not target can be scrolled to the scroll container (default: false)
export default {
name: "scrollable",
canPinch: true,
props: [
] as const,
events: [
] as const,
dragRelation: "strong",
dragStart(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps, Record<string, any>>, e: any) {
const props = moveable.props;
const {
scrollContainer = moveable.getContainer() as HTMLElement,
} = props;
const dragScroll = new DragScroll();
const scrollContainerElement = getRefTarget<HTMLElement>(scrollContainer, true);
e.datas.dragScroll = dragScroll;
moveable.state.dragScroll = dragScroll;
const gestoName = e.isControl ? "controlGesto" : "targetGesto";
const targets = e.targets;
dragScroll.on("scroll", ({ container, direction }) => {
const params = fillParams<OnScroll>(moveable, e, {
scrollContainer: container,
}) as any;
const eventName = targets ? "onScrollGroup" : "onScroll" as any;
if (targets) {
params.targets = targets;
triggerEvent(moveable, eventName, params);
}).on("move", ({ offsetX, offsetY, inputEvent }) => {
moveable[gestoName].scrollBy(offsetX, offsetY, inputEvent.inputEvent, false);
}).on("scrollDrag", ({ next }) => {
dragScroll.dragStart(e, {
container: scrollContainerElement!,
checkScroll(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps>, e: any) {
const dragScroll = e.datas.dragScroll as DragScroll;
if (!dragScroll) {
const {
scrollContainer = moveable.getContainer() as MoveableRefType<HTMLElement>,
scrollThreshold = 0,
scrollThrottleTime = 0,
getScrollPosition = getDefaultScrollPosition,
} = moveable.props;
dragScroll.drag(e, {
container: scrollContainer!,
threshold: scrollThreshold,
throttleTime: scrollThrottleTime,
getScrollPosition: (ev: any) => {
return getScrollPosition({ scrollContainer: ev.container, direction: ev.direction });
return true;
drag(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps>, e: any) {
return this.checkScroll(moveable, e);
dragEnd(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps>, e: any) {
e.datas.dragScroll = null;
dragControlStart(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps>, e: any) {
return this.dragStart(moveable, { ...e, isControl: true });
dragControl(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps>, e: any) {
return this.drag(moveable, e);
dragControlEnd(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps>, e: any) {
return this.dragEnd(moveable, e);
dragGroupStart(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.dragStart(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
dragGroup(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.drag(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
dragGroupEnd(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.dragEnd(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
dragGroupControlStart(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.dragStart(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets, isControl: true });
dragGroupControl(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.drag(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
dragGroupControEnd(moveable: MoveableGroupInterface, e: any) {
return this.dragEnd(moveable, { ...e, targets: moveable.props.targets });
unset(moveable: MoveableManagerInterface<ScrollableProps, Record<string, any>>) {
const state = moveable.state;
state.dragScroll = null;
* When the drag cursor leaves the scrollContainer, the `scroll` event occur to scroll.
* @memberof Moveable.Scrollable
* @event scroll
* @param {Moveable.Scrollable.OnScroll} - Parameters for the `scroll` event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* target: document.querySelector(".target"),
* });
* moveable.on("scroll", ({ scrollContainer, direction }) => {
* scrollContainer.scrollLeft += direction[0] * 10;
* scrollContainer.scrollTop += direction[1] * 10;
* });
* When the drag cursor leaves the scrollContainer, the `scrollGroup` event occur to scroll in group.
* @memberof Moveable.Scrollable
* @event scrollGroup
* @param {Moveable.Scrollable.OnScrollGroup} - Parameters for the `scrollGroup` event
* @example
* import Moveable from "moveable";
* const moveable = new Moveable(document.body, {
* target: []".target")),
* });
* moveable.on("scroll", ({ scrollContainer, direction }) => {
* scrollContainer.scrollLeft += direction[0] * 10;
* scrollContainer.scrollTop += direction[1] * 10;
* });